Thursday, April 25, 2024
15.9 C

Tag: Time


Black Summer – Netflix

Black Summer, apparently this is a prequel to Z Nation, which I lasted about half an ep with so I'm not a fan of...

In the new Disney Pixar movie Lightyear, time gets bendy. Is time travel real, or just science fiction?

Image: Disney/Pixar Spoiler alert: this article explains a key plot point, but we don’t give away anything you won’t see in trailers. At the beginning...

The messy history of our modern, Western calendar

Image: Wikimedia Commons For something that’s meant to lend order to our lives, the modern Western calendar has a messy history. The mess, in part, comes...

What day is it? How holidays warp our sense of time

Image: Shutterstock The holidays are coming and chaos is upon us. You may be navigating crowded parking lots in the heat, shuffling from one holiday...

Wakey wakey: a history of alarm clocks and the mechanics of time

 Image: Shuttlestock It’s the time of year when we Australians start returning to our normal rhythms. The first beats of the day are often the...

Are ‘dog years’ for real? An explanation of calculating canine age

Picture: Riley - Terena Furney If your dog has been alive and kicking its paws about for a decade, the widely held belief is that...